
+254 207 861 317



Mayanja Market, Along Bungoma – Chwele Road

Civic Education

Civic Education

Civic Education

Civic Education

REDO employs both sustained Civic Education and Mass Civic Education to carry out Civic Education. On sustained Civic education, REDO uses approved six week curriculum on Civic Education that covers the three main modules of overview of constitution, public participation and devolution. REDO has 20 trained Civic Educators with experience of more than 5 years working in the community delivering voter and Civic Education.

From 2016 to date, REDO through our Ward based Civic Educators, we have been able to reach more than 100 000 residents in Bungoma County directly whose capacity to participate in County governance process has been enhanced through the trainings.

In response to enhanced capacity, the residents have come up with various citizen actions to duty bearers like writing petitions, memoranda and letter of inquiry. The duty bearers have responded on most of the citizen action’s hence improving service delivery.

On mass Civic education, REDO uses local radio and TV stations to advocate and raise awareness on key issues affecting the citizens. We also use social media and other opportunistic gatherings (FORA) like chiefs barasas, religious gatherings etc to raise awareness on governance issues through our Civic Educators.